When our heavenly Captian means to use a sword, he passes it through a series of annealings to make the steel hard, so that it may not snap in the day of battle ...

Its strikes me that George Fox would never have been the man he was, nor such an instrument in the hand of God for usefulness, if he had not been led about in the wilderness of self despair, and made to see the dark chambers of imagery of his own natural heart.
When our heavenly Captian means to use a sword, he passes it through a series of annealings to make the steel hard, so that it may not snap in the day of battle ...

... and he passed George Fox through all these annealings in his inward conflicts. Why how could he fear the face of man when he had feared the face of God, and been made to quake and tremble beneath his awful presence?
The Face Of God
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