Friday, September 4, 2009

Afraid of a Wren - 9/4/2009

Today's Mental Image:
A House Wren
An Undeserved Curse On You!

Making a nest(Females, Hirundo rustica Barn Swallow)
You have as little to fear from an undeserved curse
as from the dart of a wren or the swoop of a swallow.
Proverbs 26:2 [MSG]
Surely it must pain God when it becomes popular in "Christian circles" to believe something to be true that can be proof texted from Scripture but that is in conflict with the rest of God's words.
Most often these teachings, or misapplied pratices, do one of two things: 1. Credit something as being stronger that Christ; 2. State that there is a law of God (that includes more than the law given to Moses) that must be satisfied in order to receive one of the gifts of God's grace.
If something is stronger than Jesus Christ, then your God is too small, or Jesus Christ is not God. God often calls me up short on this issue. If a gift of grace, such as "freedom in Christ Jesus" requires meeting the demand of some law, some human action, before it can be received, then it is not grace - a free unmerited gift - or the completed work of Christ on the cross was incomplete! In either case, then God is a liar.God's other words - the ones not included in the proof texts - are also lies. If either of those two things are true, the proof texts are lies as are all the words of scripture. 
Are you in Christ Jesus or are you not? When did you get in?  How did you get in? If, when you became "in Christ Jesus," a curse was not broken by him, you are not in him. For in Christ you are free. And if Christ has set you free, you are free indeed.  Not free positionally, not free if you will claim it. Not free, but only if you break the bonds that He already broke on the cross.  Not free if you do the right works - break the curses.
My chains are gone.  I am set free.  There is enough work to be done by growing into the fullness of the image which is in Christ Jesus without us picking up false burdens and doing "false work." The world knows the laws of God. Even pagans manipulate them to break curses. Why do we engage in the works of demons?
Amazing Grace!
I Am Set Free!
My God My Savior Ransomed Me!
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