Wednesday, September 7, 2011

God Is Not A Choice


Let's talk about the "choice" issue. Let's talk about a "right to choose." In recent years, politics and controversy gripped the word "choice" in a head lock. Sadly, we, therefore, often forget about the importance of choice to living. Likewise, we turn things into "choice" issues that really are not choices.

The quotes below from  remind me of the breadth of choice as an issue:

(click on the quote to find who it belongs too)

We talk about choosing God. We encourage others to choose God. They choose him and somehow it does not have the effect we or they hoped for. Why?

Perhaps it is because God is not a choice.


God is a person.

We can make choices that involve persons. But people are not a choice. On the school playground we chose teams and persons to be on the team. So we get confused and think choosing God is the same thing.  Choosing God as a team member.

Young men choose a wife. They choose a woman to be their wife (contingent upon her acceptance of that position, that relationship). So we get confused and think we choosing God is the same thing. Choosing God as a mate.

Now I'm cutting the proverbial fine line here. 

You can:
but God is not a choice. His existence, the existence of His lordship is not a human creation. 
Obedience is a choice. 
Acceptance is a choice. 
But God is not a choice.
Two Roads In A Yellow Woods - unknown
#19 - Too Many Choices by elviskennedy @

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