Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Church of the Barren Wombs

The Minor Prophets Speak to Today 

I Will Request What God Has Decreed


The glory of God's people will fly away like a bird,
    for your children will not be born
or grow in the womb
    or even be conceived.
Hosea 9:11

Lord, what should I request for your people?
    I will ask for wombs that don’t give birth
    and breasts that give no milk.

Hosea 9:14

What Should I Pray In Response To God's Prophetic Voice?

We read the prophets. We see the warnings written down for us who live at the end of the age. We wish to ignore them and even our teachers, pastors, and leaders do not speak of them. However, for those few who believe what Paul says, the question comes, "How then should we pray?"

Note: This post does not address all possible biblical answers to the question, but does address the answer give by the prophet Hosea.

How should we pray when God says that the absence of his glory among the people reveals that we are already standing in his punishment? How should we pray when God says he will make his children barren?

Remember the early church in Acts? The glory of the Lord met with them. People who came to their meetings, under the presence of God's glory either converted in droves or became afraid to remain in their churches and assemblies. Some people were even afraid to go to church.

How are we to pray when warned that our churches will not produce spiritual children? New children of God? Though we consider our meetings and Sunday Schools to be the womb in which our physical children and non-believers will be born again, God says these births will not happen. He claims he will prevent births. He will be the reason people will not be drawn to himself, not grow in the womb, or not even be conceived. 

That is the warning given through the prophet. In fact it could even be read literally which would mean we would not be allowed to bear children, but that does not seem to have been the case at the first fulfillment of the verse. God even warns of the dangers to the pregnant women and children, so the physical wombs were not sealed, just the wombs that make physical people into children of God.

As we see the warnings written in Hosea, as we see the same spiritual conditions existing in our churches, and other gatherings of believers, we must take this warning of barrenness to heart. If our members are barren. If our fellowship is already barren. If we are producing children and coverts that are twice the children of hell that we are. If we understand how this relates to God at work among us. If we cannot persuade the people to repent both individually and corporately. How then should we pray?

Lord, what should I request for your people?

    I will ask for what God has decreed,

Thy will be done.

Photo Credits:
Conception source unknown

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