The Minor Prophets Speak to Today
Carry the Correct Message to Others
How beautiful upon the mountains
Are the feet of them that bring good news.
As God gets ready to lay out the facts in response to the question:
"O Lord -- surely you do not plan to wipe us out?"
He delivers an important word to all who communicate truth.
Write It Down with Plain Words
So that the Runner Can Carry the
Correct Message to Others.
When I first began preaching in churches, and almost always since, I felt led to write out my messages before they were delivered. This caught a lot of flack.
To some writing down a message meant not being guided by the Holy Spirit during delivery.
I always remained flexible to make changes as I spoke and many times I have.
I have even experienced a total change of message when speaking.
To some it meant my delivery would be wooden and boring.
Few people know that I speak from manuscript unless I tell them.
I come under criticism for being too animated - seldom for being
wooden or boring. My audience member stay awake ratio remains
very high.
Often I have found having a written manuscript turned out to be very important.
When people wanted a copy of what I said, I had one.
When people misremembered or misunderstood what I said, correction had backup.
When slandered or accused by my enemies, the written copy revealed their treachery.
In the beginning I wondered why God made me write the message out. I thought people would judge me and think badly of me and all those other insecure thoughts. But, through my experiences, God revealed his reasons. Most often it was for my own protection and the integrity of the message he delivered through me.
Imagine my surprise and pleasure to find God's instructions in Habakkuk.
"Write it down with plain words so that the runner can carry the correct message to others."
Indeed God Is The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
Writing with Ink some rights reserved by urbanworkbench @
Mountains - Autumn in Denali some rights reserved by blmiers2 @
Mountains - Autumn in Denali some rights reserved by blmiers2 @
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