Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Reflection of the Day - 10/8/2008

. . . it is as you will . . .

There was a wise old man in the mountain.
The young fellows scorned him.
They set a trap . . .
"We'll take a hummingbird behind our back,
ask the old man what we have.
"He may guess a hummingbird.
"We'll ask is it dead or alive.
If he says dead, we'll let it go.
"If he says alive, with the flex of a muscle we'll kill the bird.
"We'll show him!"
The old man guessed a humming bird.
When asked dead or alive,
he paused, the replied,
"It is as you will."
He was wise.
* * * *

So it is in your life.
It is as you will.
If you will give all to Jesus,
He will show you the glory of God.
He waits for your response.
- - - - -
What circumstance has God allowed that
seems hard, seems beyond your control?
What besetting sin,
poisoned actions, rough edge,
seems to be beyond transformation or repair?
What in your life
do you find you excuse away
even though it defies God's clear statements of scripture?
God has allowed these circumstance
not to destroy you but to develop you.
To show you who He is.
To show you His sufficiency,
His Sovereignty,
His Love,
His Glory,
in your need.
It is as you will.
He waits for your response.
* * * * *
Lazarus had been dead four days
(like parts of our heart).
Jesus went to Mary and Martha.
They showed their hurt.
It was too late now.
Jesus reminded them
if you will believe you will see the glory of God.
Lazarus came out of the grave.
Jesus spoke. Lazarus lived.
The impossible made possible the glory of God.
He awaits your response.
It is as you will.
Based on a small tract Wayne Anson
found in one of his mother's very old books.

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