Monday, June 7, 2010

"At the risk of offending some folks, I want to encourage you to stop with the token responses."

Token Responses = Chicken Fluff !

One of the followers of this blog, Larry Westfall, expresses it better that I can!  Here are some quotes from 

"When you give yourself to a project, talk with a friend, or offer your services in any way, don’t you really want to know that it made a difference? Wouldn’t you like to know how your effort has changed the way someone thinks or helped them be better because you took the time to talk with them? This type of interaction creates depth in any relationship."

"Give some thought to what individuals say and do and let them know how it has impacted you. We tend to be very quick to let people know exactly how their actions impact us in negative ways, but it is rare that we let them know the specifics of how they impact us in positive ways."

Like my fellow blogger, Larry Westfall, "I just want to encourage you to cut out the fluff. Quit offering token responses to people because you feel like you have to say something. Give some thought to what individuals say and do and let them know how it has impacted you."

What do you think?
Is this a place to "do unto others what you would want others do unto you?"
Do unto your pastor what he needs for strength and encouragement?
Please don't forget to click below and read Larry's complete (short) post!
Why not link up to his site!  He does some helpful posts!

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