Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why Don't The Cows Get It! - 6/2/2010

The Frustated Prophet Cries:

Why don't the pigs clean up!

Why don't the cows get it!

Where are the knights in shining armor!
[Revelation 19:11-14]

These are some serious questions - and as you see from the scripture
they are not new!  However, they are very important!
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So what do we answer?
What is God calling us to do?
Introduce yourself and leave a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Wayne, Larry from 31DBBB. Where are the Knights in shining armor? That is a great question to explore. Chivalry and honor are missing virtues in our culture today. We need more men to model this for our children and teenagers.


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